Welcome to the Derby and Derbyshire Sexual Health Free Condom Scheme HUB provided by Sexual Health Promotion Integrated Sexual Health Services Derbyshire Community Health Services.
We hope that by working together with you, we can ensure that we are reaching the people in our communities to promote the importance and awareness of sexual health and wellbeing across the city and county.
All of our condom schemes are part of a wider public health initiative to; improve sexual health; reduce unprotected sex; reduce rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancies for service users in Derby and Derbyshire.
The joining process is simple and straightforward, all you are required to do is complete the application process to join our Free Condom Scheme(s).
Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information on joining a scheme, please email dchst.ishsfreecondoms@nhs.net. And for guidance in completing your online registration, please watch our "how to" video.